Tag Archives: thrive

Inner Power

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”
(Mahatma Ghandhi)

To accept with grace that what happens in this life is meant to be and to appreciate the difference between what one can control and what one can’t is key to savouring this one life we are blessed to have the good fortune to live.

As Ghandhi so perfectly encapsulates, having “an indomitable will” is central to having a positive mindset. We will all face setbacks, but how we recover from challenges – whatever shape they take – will determine our overall contentment in life. Small victories will flower when we resist and persist. The trick is to keep going and not get too downhearted, especially when the thorns of despair threaten to tear away the very foundations of our sense of wellbeing. Beyond the veil of sorrow, delight dances with whimsical intent.

How we approach the “Art of Living” is what ultimately defines us. No one can prevent us from realising our dreams and quest for fulfilment if we stay strong enough, have faith in the wonders of creativity, kindness, and imagination, and walk on with an open heart. Love is the answer.

The great American poet, Mary Oliver, once wrote “joy is not made to be a crumb”. This is a kernel of truth that every soul who embraces the magic of living knows with profound awareness. Grief is guaranteed in life, but so is joy, if we stay open, attentive, and grateful. Feast on this world, be daring, and thrive within and without.

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Filed under Culture, Life, Nature, Philosophy, Reviews, Thoughts, Travel

Consolations 3

May the sun
in your heart
never depart
what will carry
you through
is the inner spark

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Filed under Life, Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel

We Have To Live

We have to live

In this darkened world.

We have to live

In this lightened world.

Despite the horror and the lies

The torture and the murder

We have to live

In this darkened world.

Despite the hatred and the bile

The evil and the rage

We have to live

In this lightened world.

Despite the angst and the vengeance

The fury and the bloodlust

We have to live

In this darkened world.

Despite the hubris and the bluster

The othering and the smothering

We have to live

In this lightened world.

Despite the bigotry and the vitriol

The crowing and the ignorance

We have to live

In this darkened world.

Despite the gore and the slaughter

The rottenness and the stench

We have to live

In this lightened world.

Despite the vileness and the vanity

The twisting and the spinning

We have to live

In this darkened world.

We have to love

We have to listen

We have to give

We have to live

We have to dream

Unknot our troubles

Spill hot tears

Dispel cold fears.

We have to see

We have to hear

We have to touch

We have to taste

We have to feel

Discover the flow

Unroll our hands

Make love below.

We have to live

Nourish the beauty

Cradle the surprise

Travel through sex

We have to reach

And be together

And see the light

In this wounded world.

We have to live

We have to live

We have to live

In this lightened world.

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Filed under Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel