Tag Archives: amor fati

Let The Heart #2

It was never meant to last,
this sadness, vast as a murky sea.
Over the horizon, magic swells again,

a welcome friend, beckoning into
a future filled with light and liberty
where shadows cease and falsehoods die –
like smoke dissolving in the gentle air.

Heaven is the thread that joins heart to art
while the windows of living sing sweetly
of tales bold, still to be told
of love and loss and the dove above.

And how bright it shines, star
of untramelled hope. Hold on to it
through the restless nights of doubt,
watch the pebbles skim the lake’s skin

take joy in words pulsing with life
and let the heart be swayed
once more, alert to the weight
of everything, scaling the tender heights.

(from Seizing The Thread)

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Filed under Authors, Books, Life, Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel


Why crawl through life
when you were born
to walk?

Why hide your colours
when you were destined
to shine?

Why deny your presence
when you were fashioned
to fly?

Why stifle your words
when you were built
to sing?

Why close your heart
when you were shaped
to love?

Why dim your light
when you were made
to blossom?

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Filed under Life, Love, Music, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel