Tag Archives: Silence

Consolations 45

I drink to the smiles that sing
I drink to the words that ring
I drink to the acts that charm
I drink to the realm of calm.

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Filed under Books, Culture, Life, Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Reading, Reviews, Thoughts, Travel


O wise teacher

what lessons do you impart?

Stilled into silence and serenity

I stand amazed.

To stay calm is an act of grace

you might be saying.


Balance is the key to inner health

and the source

of your greatest wealth.

Don’t despair when darkness falls

as surely it will.

There will always be

something to thrill

to ease the chill.

Feed your strength

and remain steadfast

in your thinking

and hug the abundance

this world has to offer.

Elegance is a cloak

that can be stitched

over and over

with benevolent care.

Maintain harmony

with yourself and others

and stay present

to all that arrives

in your one, glorious life.


With that

the majestic preacher

glided away

beacon of the skies

a stately observer

of human folly

urging the eager student:

stay grateful to all that is

and walk on

with poise and panache.



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Filed under Books, Life, Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel


Salvation rests in the little things:

a cup, a cloud, a kiss, morning’s gift.

Mist lifting from the grateful earth,

life birthing on the beckoning streets.

A hand, a heart, a mind. Entwined.

Steam rising from the kettle, unburdened

by thought. The laughter of voices, sounds

mingled in sport. Each day carries some

gold, threading this world with uplift.

There you stand: crowned by light,

blazing bright.

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Filed under Life, Love, Music, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel

Love Letters

Let the song of the sea
sing deep
in the chambers
of your heart.

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Filed under Culture, Life, Love, Music, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel

To Be With You

To be with you in constant conversation.”

To be with you on a mountain
watching the sunset;
To be with you in comfort,
cravings undressed.
To be with you on a beach
hugging the waves;
To be with you in fervour
feeding the gaze.
To be with you in flesh
mapping new worlds;
To be with you from afar,
burning like stars.
To be with you in rapture,
a daily delight;
To be with you in prayer,
nourishing the soul.
To be with you in silence
stirred by the verve;
To be with you in passion,
a tango of tongues.
To be with you in spirit
courting the call;
To be with you on earth,
enchanted by it all.
To be with you in thought,
spelling new rhymes;
To be with you forever,
riding the sunrise.

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Filed under Life, Love, Music, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel

10 Ways To Express Gratitude

1. Sit still and listen to the beauty underneath the noise.

2. Spend time alone in nature and marvel at the riches it offers.

3. Write a love letter to the person you love.

4. Count your blessings every day.

5. Recognise how far you have travelled. Give yourself thanks.

6. Don’t take those you care for for granted. You never know when will be the last time you see them.

7. Note down three things that make you happy.

8. Give someone a surprise present.

9. Donate to a charitable cause.

10. Let the kindness you practise be the kindness you want to receive.

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Filed under Love, Nature, Philosophy, Thoughts, Travel


There is a silence that hurts
There is emptiness that bleeds
There is hollowness that cries
There is a despair that feeds.

There is a silence that kills
There is acceptance that numbs
There is quietude that roars
There is a stillness that hums.

There is a silence that lifts
There is clarity that falls
There is wonderment that spurs
There is a yearning that calls.

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Filed under Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel


Serenity falls
Unruffled by worries
Radiant charm

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Filed under Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts


​The silent hours

Love comes
Tumbling in
I stay transfixed
By the scent
That throbs within.

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Filed under Love, Philosophy, Poetry

A Rainy Day

A rainy day where silence prevails

Washed of beauty, stripped to the core,

I look up to the skies out of habit

And give thanks for all that has been.

It is good – resting in acceptance –

Knowing love’s tenacious roots

Flower through slabs of apathy.

Fierce are the words unspoken,

Memory is a redolent bouquet.

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Filed under Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry