Tag Archives: recognise

Mortal Thoughts

To feel the thrill of an unclouded vista
and not fear or fret about bombs
muddying the picture.

To imagine the grace that can light a heart
and not sink into despair
creeping in the dark.

To know that it ends all too soon
and not worry about the hours
spent staring at the moon.

To wonder about love and the hope it brings
and not take it for granted,
richer than kings.

To feed your mind before it slips free
and not become too sated.
Filled with awareness. How to be.

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Filed under Books, Culture, Life, Love, Music, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel


You do not have to be rich
or renowned or a redeemer.
You do not need to succeed
and live a life of meaningless greed
and let your soul shrivel
into a dried and dessicated seed.
But you can be bold and brave
a fearless rider in the sky
untethered by worry and convention.
You can be a smile to every passerby
and be the force to energise.
To be human is to recognise
your inalienable right to thrive.
You are the earth
the earth is in you.
No shadow can deny
this gift of immeasurable surprise.


Filed under Books, Culture, Life, Love, Music, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Reading, Thoughts, Travel