Tag Archives: patience


Hello crocus
            what wisdom
                      would you care
                                      to share

on this

where earth
           sings gladly
                      of all that is
                                      and is to come?

What lessons
            can you give
                      in how to be
                                      and how to live?

Dear pilgrim
              be patient and fearless
                        like the sturdy oak
                                       let things go

and you will see
               in the fields of time
                        a richness unfolding
                                       with joyful ease.

Nothing you do
                is ever wasted
                        if you pay heed
                                       to the great mysteries

of light and love
                 woven together
                        in a sprightly dance.”
                                       Such wisdom

cannot be denied
                 flowing freely
                        in the body
                                       river of glee.   

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Filed under Books, Life, Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel


Things take the time they take.
Nothing can truly get in the way.
Let love flow its natural course,
watch how night gives way to day.

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Filed under Life, Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel