Tag Archives: miracle

Consolations 52

The thrill of your voice
the flame of your song
the gift of your life
the miracle of you.

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Filed under Books, Culture, Life, Love, Music, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel


O wise teacher

what lessons do you impart?

Stilled into silence and serenity

I stand amazed.

To stay calm is an act of grace

you might be saying.


Balance is the key to inner health

and the source

of your greatest wealth.

Don’t despair when darkness falls

as surely it will.

There will always be

something to thrill

to ease the chill.

Feed your strength

and remain steadfast

in your thinking

and hug the abundance

this world has to offer.

Elegance is a cloak

that can be stitched

over and over

with benevolent care.

Maintain harmony

with yourself and others

and stay present

to all that arrives

in your one, glorious life.


With that

the majestic preacher

glided away

beacon of the skies

a stately observer

of human folly

urging the eager student:

stay grateful to all that is

and walk on

with poise and panache.



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Filed under Books, Life, Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel


Meditate upon the beauty
there is in living.
Meditate upon love.
Meditate upon friendship.
Meditate upon sorrow.
Meditate upon joy.
Meditate upon wonder.
Meditate upon loss.
Meditate upon grief.
Meditate upon being.
Meditate upon despair.
Meditate upon success.
Meditate upon overcoming.
Meditate upon meaning.
Meditate upon light.
Meditate upon abundance.
Meditate upon peace.
Meditate upon the present.
Meditate and realise
this one indisputable fact:
You are a miracle.

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Filed under Life, Love, Music, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel


You step outside
and drink it all in
musing about life
and the hope within

You wonder if this
is the heart of it all
while the kites glide
the leaves start to fall

You gaze at the world
the fury and the pain
the grasses sway
will peace ever reign?

You pause for a while
pray for the best
accept the kernel
everything is blessed

You wake up to light
and treasure the gift
the journey to joy
wherever you drift

You realise the truth
safety is a place
that resides in the mind
a gateway to grace

You stay alert
to the power above
the radiant roses
the fragrance of love

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Filed under Life, Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel

Lines On A Bench

It is so easy
To while away
An hour or two,
And consider
The horrors
Of being

But what
Is more thrilling
Richly enchanting
Than musing upon
This great miracle
That daily
Assaults us?

Chores clamour
And claw
Our hungry selves
– ravenous fiends –
Setting aside time
Is a way
To keep lean.

Engaged in the act,
Laughter echoing
Across the park.
The tenderness
Of love,
Stilling the dark.

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Filed under Love, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts