Tag Archives: Hunger


There’s always time.
Time for togetherness.
Time for affection.
Time for living.
Time for exploration.
Time for sharing.
Time for happiness.
Time for being.
Time for wondering.
Time for loving.
Time for leaping.
Time for giving.
Time for receiving.
Time for grieving.
Time for sadness.
Time for gladness.
Time for benedictions.
Sun-kissed salvation.


Filed under Books, Culture, Life, Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel


I will gaze into her eyes
in her splendour rest
and lay my tender heart
upon her dazzling breast.

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Filed under Books, Culture, Life, Love, Music, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Reading, Thoughts, Travel


Slowly, slowly, in tune with
Rhythm of wind, step,
Birdsong, we reach the crest.

The mists disperse.
Rimmed in sunlight,
You laugh raven-like;
Hungry eyes, hair unbound,
Creature of earth and sky.

In an instant the dam bursts,
Slaking our thirst
On the beckoning grass.
Hands softened by longing –
Free, free, free.


Filed under Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Travel


I give you
My heart
And you give
Me yours,
We eat
In the heat;
Love feeds
The need.

I give you
My body
And you give
Me yours,
We feast
Like beasts;
Love spins
The skin.


Filed under Poetry, Thoughts