On Rhossili – Boundless Beauty

To walk here is to feel a profound sense of connection coursing through one’s veins. The wildness and the tranquillity combine in a potent blend, infusing the soul with a frisson of unconfined contentment.

Striding across Rhossili down, with the heather blooming in the late summer sun, the gorgeous sands below stretching with beckoning grace and all the world invitingly unfurled, like a perfect picture, any afflictions plaguing the mind cease to be – everything is just as it is meant to be.

The combination of grass, sea and sand mingling in the sparkling breeze is a tonic to be treasured in all seasons. Earth truly is the great benefactor – we are the blessed ones to savour such infinite riches.

When unease or disease trouble the weary body as they are wont to do, it is the boundless beauty of country and reverence that keeps us whole. Our hearts are shaped by the places we love, just as much the places we love are touched by our open hearts. Awe is the bond that remains unshakeable.

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