Tag Archives: waterfalls

Consolations 41

Let’s never stop
immersing ourselves
in these waterfalls
of unconstrained

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Filed under Audio, Books, Culture, Life, Love, Music, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel


Where currents tumble
lovers utter tales of love
spells gush gladly

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Filed under Life, Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel


Heading to the source
a rush flooding the senses
leap into brightness

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Filed under Life, Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel


By the light of the falls
I caught my breath, enthralled

When out of the flow there sprung
And hung a shimmering rainbow.

How moments flash with meaning.
The gifts that course like blessings.

And always the heart is leaning
Towards the source, caressing.

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Filed under Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts


River of life,

Streams that gleam;

In your crystalline purity

Cleansing me whole,

When we meet

Peace prevails.


Torrents of joy

Coursing through veins,


Cold to taste

On the tip of my tongue,

Drinking in lungfuls.


Flushing the body

Of impurities,

Unfreezing the mind;

Beneath the falls,

Knotted shoulders



From the mountaintop,

Ribbon of silver glinting

Like an invitation,

Rich with promise;

Water you flow

A potent undertow.



An echo of rest;

Desire springs in the crash,

Lust in the ocean

Glory in the song

You sing.


Water, I offer

Words that burble,

You give me this:

Limpid currents


Fresh dreams.

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Filed under Nature, Poetry