Tag Archives: beacon


Infinite is this love
blazing like beacons of hope
casting a spell of light
upon all
that is shrouded
in fright.

Acceptance is the key
a portal to awe
let kindness
dispel the blindness
and drink again
from the cup
of delight.

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Filed under Life, Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel


There comes a time in your life
when what you most desire
is the chance to sprawl in grace
stilled into contented joy
at the wonder of it all
hope blazing like a bright beacon.

There comes a time in your life
when you need to let be
and let go of your stubborn
beliefs. Life begins again
when your heart bursts open
in unfettered radiance. Grief
leavened by sweet relief.

There comes a time in your life
when what matters the most
aren’t the trophies you have won
or the prizes you hold close
to your self. Nothing truly lasts.
Only goodwill and the gift to rest
in Earth’s bountiful chest.

There comes a time in your life
when the courage to love
will lift your soul
to a place of pure sacredness.
Dance and let beauty glow.

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Filed under Books, Life, Love, Nature, Philosophy, Poetry, Thoughts, Travel